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The Secret Garden (25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1CD)


Andrew Chien 
60.00  元
HK$ 57  

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內容簡介 Mary Lennox was a bad-tempered, selfish girl. At the age of nine, her parents diedduring an epidemic and she was taken to live with her uncle, Mr. Archibald Craven, in Yorkshire, England. In the beginning, she hated everything about Yorkshire, but with the care and friendliness of the people and animals there, she began to reach out to everyone. However, she found that there seemed to be some sorrowful secrets about her uncle’s house. First, there was a secret, desolate garden in which her aunt died. Then there was a sick, bedridden boy in the house who turned out to be her cousin. However, with her care and dedication, Mary transformed the secret garden and even her cousin’s health. Finally, when Mr. Craven came home from a long trip in Europe, he found one more secret about the house. But the secret, this time, was an exceptionally cheerful one. Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) Frances Hodgson Burnett’s writing was not well received by the public, until she published Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), her first children’s book. Her later works including The Secret Garden (1888) and A Little Princess (1909) are what she is best known for today. 一把埋藏於地底的古老鑰匙,打開了塵封以久的秘密花園。瑪麗的個性驕縱、倔強又任性,對僕人頤指氣使,跟父母彷彿是陌生人。當雙親在一場瘟疫中辭世,瑪麗隻身來到了英格蘭,準備投靠姨丈亞齊伯.克雷文。在克雷文先生的莊園裡,她受到女傭瑪莎的悉心照料,碰到了不苟言笑的園丁班,還結識了熱心的迪肯,漸漸地,瑪麗開始露出笑容,樂於跟人分享心事,更願意主動幫助別人。瑪麗的改變,帶給這座死氣沉沉的莊園溫暖,而花園中的秘密,半夜男孩的哭泣聲,克雷文先生痛苦的回憶,一切的迷團也隨之慢慢明朗……作者法蘭西絲.哈吉森.柏納特(Frances Hodgson Burnett, 1849-1924),生平創作豐富,擅長以細膩的手法,描繪出一個個筆下生動活潑的人物。專...

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The Secret Garden (25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1CD)

秘密花園 (25K彩圖經典文學改寫英漢對照+1CD)

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