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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Latina/o Healing Practices: Mestizo and Indigenous Perspectives

Brian McNeill Joseph Cervantes 
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

This edited volume focuses on the role of traditional or indigenous healers, as well as the application of traditional healing practices in contemporary counseling and therapeutic modalities with Latina/o peoples. The book offers a broad coverage of important topics, such as traditional healer? views of mental/psychological health and well-being, the use of traditional healing techniques in contemporary psychotherapy, and herbal remedies in psychiatric practice. It also discusses common factors across traditional healing methods and contemporary psychotherapies, the importance of spirituality in counseling and everyday life, the application of indigenous healing practices with Latina/o undergraduates, indigenous techniques in working with perpetrators of domestic violence, and religious healing systems and biomedical models. The book is an important reference for anyone working within the general field of mental health practice and those seeking to understand culturally relevant practice with Latina/o populations.

此叢書 Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science 書目

Popper? Critical Rationalism: A Philosophical Investigation

Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference with R

TSUR 50.6

Karl Popper"s Philosophy of Science: Rationality without Foundations

Wittgenstein? Enduring Arguments

Process Improvement with CMMI?v1.2 and ISO Standards

Nancy Cartwright? Philosophy of Science

Families in Today"s World: A Comparative Approach

Families in Today"s World: A Comparative Approach

Gifted and Talented Children 4-11: Understanding and Supporting their Development

Latina/o Healing Practices: Mestizo and Indigenous Perspectives

Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer"s Patients and Their Families

Guide to Ministering to Alzheimer"s Patients and Their Families

其 他 著 作