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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
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A.D. Alexandrov: Intrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces

S.S. Kutateladze Yu. G Reshetnyak 
CRC Press
382.00  元
HK$ 362.9  

[ 尚未分類 ]

A.D. Alexandrov is considered by many to be the father of intrinsic geometry. A two-volume set, A.D. Alexandrov Selected Works contains some of the most important papers by this renowned geometer. Volume 1 covers convex polyhedrons and closed surfaces, an elementary proof and extension of Minkowski"s theorem, Riemannian geometry and a method for Dirichlet problems. Volume 2 covers general propositions on an intrinsic metric, angles and curvature, the existence of a convex polyhedron with prescribed metric, curves on convex surfaces, and the role of specific curvature. These monographs, published in English for the first time, will appeal to advanced students and researchers in mathematics and geometry.

此叢書 Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysi 書目

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A.D. Alexandrov: Intrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces

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其 他 著 作