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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介

66.00  元
HK$ 56.1  

* 叢書系列:我識隨身讀
* 規格:平裝 / 320頁 / 18*10.3cm / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


語言學習 > 英語 > 字彙/片語/俚語




  ■附贈150分鐘全文收錄mini MP3。只要戴上耳機,用耳朵也能學好英文。

  I will give you a call. 或 I will call you. 其實都沒錯,但是,如果用 I,ll be in touch. 是不是聽起來即簡潔又更有深度呢!




  ■著有《單字網》、《單字王》、《文法王》、《句型王》、《片語王》、《哈燒英文文法》、《哈燒英文片語》、《哈燒英文句型》、《必考必學7000單字》、《單字王口袋書》、《文法王口袋書》、《句型王口袋書》、《片語王口袋書》及《國中小學必考單字1000》、《用耳朵背單字2000》、《英文單字 IN起來》、《英文文法IN起來》、《英文句型IN起來》、《英文會話IN起來》、《最易混淆的動詞》、《最常使用的短句》、《最易犯錯的句子》、《最常使用的單字》及《最不冷場的會話》。



Chapter 1 同意、支持

I know. 我知道
I heard about that. 我聽說過了
I guess so. 我想也是
Me, too. / Me, neither. 我也是
Trust me. 相信我
It slipped my mind. 我都忘了這回事了
Bring your appetite! 帶著你的食慾來吧
I,ll get it. 讓我來做吧
I,ll be in touch. 我會跟你連絡
Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同
There is no doubt about it. 毫無疑問
I can,t argue with that. 我同意
I,m with you. 我站在你這一邊
I,ve been in your shoes before.
You are the boss. 你決定就好

Chapter 2 表示驚訝

Wow! 哇!
Come again?我沒聽錯吧
How come?為什麼
What put that idea in your head?
You,d be surprised. 你會很驚訝
It can,t be! 這不可能

Chapter 3 鼓舞打氣

Why not?為什麼不呢?
That,s quite true! 一點兒也沒錯
That explains it. 這就說得通了
Let me help you with… 讓我幫你…
You haven,t been yourself… 你不太對勁…
Congratulations on…!恭喜你…
Hurry up and…!快點兒…
Take it easy. 慢慢來,別緊張
Cheer up!振作起來
It,s always darkest before the dawn. 否極泰來
Now you are cooking. 你現在做得很好
Give it your best shot. 全力以赴
Keep your chin up. 保持正面的態度

Chapter 4 抒發感想

That,s a shame. 真可惜 / 真遺憾
I get it. 我懂了
I can,t help myself.
I owe you one. 我欠你一次
It,s a pity that… 真是可惜
It,s just as well that… 還好
I can,t thank you enough. 真是太謝謝你了
I don,t feel so hot. 我覺得不太舒服
You sound very… 你聽起來很…
I had a good time. 我玩得很開心
Don,t worry about it. 別擔心
I can,t take it anymore!我再也受不了了
Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見為淨
Rome wasn,t built in a day.
What a pity! 真可惜
I am afraid… 恐怕

Chapter 5 質疑、疑問

Are you kidding?你開什麼玩笑
Is that so?真的嗎
Did what?你做了什麼
What do you mean?你這麼說是什麼意思
Why shouldn,t I?為什麼不呢
I wonder why. 不知道為什麼呢
What,s up?你怎麼樣
I,m not sure. 我不確定
Let me see. 讓我想想
Can I trouble you to…?能不能麻煩你
What,s on your agenda for…? 你…有什麼計劃
I hope I didn,t offend you. 希望我沒冒犯到你
Have any advice? 你有什麼建議
I can,t make head nor tail of something. 搞不清楚
I wouldn,t bet on it. 我真懷疑
What,s it to you? 關你何事
I don,t see the point… 我不明白
Would / Could you… 你可以…

Chapter 6 否定對方

No way!休想
Not quit. 還沒;尚未
I,ll tell you what. 讓我告訴你吧
I,ll overlook it this time.
Don,t give me that. 別唬我
Easier said than done. 說得倒容易

Chapter 7 發表意見

Sounds like… 聽起來
To be honest,… 老實說
As matter of fact,… 事實上
You know what?你猜怎麼了
It occurs to… that… 突然想到
It,s said that… 據說
It depends on… 視…而定
I hate to say it,but… 我實在不想這麼說,但是… What did you have in mind?你心裡想什麼
Let me guess… 讓我猜猜吧
What do you make of…?你覺得…怎麼樣
I’ve been considering… 我一直考慮著
In my opinion,… 在我看來
Personally,… 就我個人而言
… set the record straight. 澄清某事
If I were you, I’d… 如果我是你,我是…

Chapter 8 表達負面情緒

Mind your own business. 別多管閒事
Leave me alone. 讓我靜一靜
Give me a break. 饒了我吧
Whatever you say. 隨便你怎麼說
What,s got into you?你為什麼會這樣
I have had enough. 我真是受夠了
So what? 那又怎麼樣
You deserve it. 你活該



  2.融入會話:光懂解釋還不夠,看看一般外國人會在哪種場合下說這句話。每段模擬對話下還會附註使用重點 (Point)。最後還附贈另一實用的短句,讓你多學一句可以臭屁的話。

蔣志榆in S.F
2006 / 3 / 1

  I don’t usually read this part of the book that you see in front of you. But I want to thank you for picking this book up and doing so. Of so many books out there you chose this one to read. You should thank yourself now, as you did what many refuse to do,taking the first steps to learning a better English.

  Passion is always a plus when trying to learn something, but you lack passion but have the will,you are still off to a great start. After I realized that I was interested in the English language I began improving my English through different ways such as speaking with an English native speaker,watching movies, and what ever kinds of English reading material I could lay my hands on. Further more,before a person can speak English well, you need to provide yourself with sufficient knowledge of the language,such as grammar,vocabularies,and different expressions and so on.
  When you have picked up this book,it means you have acquired the basic motives of learning English well. Now all you need is a tool to guide you in the right direction.

  Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where even though you have a great grammar foundation and strong vocabulary list yet you are unable to express yourself with a native sounding English. This book is going to teach you how under different circumstances, how a native sounding conversation would go about. For example, when you hear someone say something positive happened to him or her, how do you return his or her enthusiasm? Or when they have expressed a thought in which you strongly agree with,how do you let him or her know that you feel the same way?When you have fully understood the different uses, yo,ll realize that your conversation in English will no longer be stale and will have a much better expression of how you are feeling at the time.

吳佳燕 in S.F
2006 / 3 / 13

* 讀者評鑑等級:

* 推薦人數:1,共有1位網友寫書評。


/ 台灣台北




其 他 著 作
1. 最不冷場的會話(附1MP3)