專業著作:《The Heart》《Atherothrombosis and Coronary Artery Disease》
(American Heart Association-Distinguished Scientist)
(American Heart Association-The Gold Heart Award)
★美國心臟協會Lewis A. Conner 紀念獎
(American Heart Association-The Lewis A. Conner Memorial Award)
(American College of Cardiology-The Distinguished Scientist Award)
(American College of Cardiology-The Distinguished Service Award)
(Inter-American Society of Cardiology)
★歐洲心臟學會Andreas Gruntzig科學獎
(European Society of Cardiology-Andreas Gruntzig Scientific Award)
(European Society of Cardiology-Gold Medal Award)
(El Premio Principe de Asturias de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica)
(Global Prevention Prize U.S. Preventive Medicine)
(The Maimonides Chair European Academy of Yuste, Spain)
(Poltzer Prize European Academy of Science and Arts)
(Libin/AHFMR Prize for Excellence in Cardiovascular Research)
(Living Legend Award in Cardiovascular Diseases University of Ottawa)
★臨床心臟病學委員會James B. Herrick 成就獎
(The James B. Herrick Achievement Award from the Council of Clinical Cardiology)
(Member of the European Academy of Science and Arts)
(2009 Best Doctors New York Magazine)
(Ellis Island Medal of Honor New York)
★英國愛丁堡大學(University of Edingburgh)
★西班牙漢姆一世大學(Universitat Jaume)
★西班牙拉蒙大學 (Universidad Ramon Llull)
★西班牙卡司提翁大學 (Castellon University, Castellon, Spain)
★西班牙瓦羅伊大學 (Universidad de Vallloid)
★西班牙穆爾西亞大學 (Universidad de Murcia)
★西班牙馬德里歐洲大學 (Universidad Europea de Madrid)
★西班牙瓦倫西亞理工大學 (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)
★西班牙馬德里大學 (Universidad Compultense de Madrid)
★西班牙米蓋爾艾南德茲大學(Universidad Miguel Hernandez)
★阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯天主教大學 (Catholic University of Buenos Aires)
★阿根廷國立科多巴大學(Universidad Nacional de Cordoba)
他在科學資訊方面主要的專業領域是人類的演化、太空探險與醫學探討。並擔任立陶宛健康專業記者組織世界健康協會的顧問,得過達能營養中心的獎項,曾與考古學家厄達爾.卡伯內爾(Eudald Carbonell)及羅伯特.沙拉(Robert Sala)、古生物學家薩爾瓦多.摩亞(Salvador Moya)合著關於人種分布的書籍:《人類祖先邁向智力發展的漫漫長路》(El largo camino de los hominidos hacia la inteligencia)。