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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
中國鬼故事 Chinese Ghost Stories

177.00  元
HK$ 159.3  

* 規格:平裝 / 100頁 / 25K / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

文學小說 > 中國古典文學 > 古典小說

  Readings In Language And Culture
  Rope, jade rings, goat, goose cage, chrysanthemum…
  Imagine how these commonplace things can be associated with ghosts in Chinese culture?

  Our main diction and vocabulary are based on the HSK (The Chinese Proficiency Test). This book belongs to the intermediate-advanced level of Read about china series, equivalent to the intermediate level of the HSK and suitable for people who are preparing for the AP(Advanced Placement) Chinese examination.

  . Every story starts with some brief questions , which challenge your curiosity so that after reading the story you will feel a deeper impact .
  . Each story is divided into short paragraphs making reading and comprehension of the content easier.
  . To facilitate understanding of the content, Hanyu Pinyin (romanised Chinese ), English translation and explanation of vocabulary are attached.
  . More background of the stories have been included in Expansion Reading.
  . Mind challenging games are included as well.
  . A glossary of common words and phrases is attached .

其 他 著 作
1. 黑人民權領袖:馬丁路德金Matin Luther King Jr.
2. 最後六任港督的聲音:就職、施政、離任
3. 我敢讀希臘羅馬神話人名
4. 偉人科學家:愛因斯坦Albert Einstein
5. 女科學家:居禮夫人 Marie Curie
6. 美國黑人總統 Barack Obama
7. 動畫大師 Walt Disney
8. 流行樂隊The Beatles
9. 天堂夢姑蘇繁華圖