《第一次就考好 New TOEIC新多益 文法》由 EZ TALK 資深中外籍編輯,依據新多益最新公佈的真實國際職場(global workplace)命題趨勢,全新設計「交通票務」、「展覽會場」、「商務談判」、「生產線/品管」……等共計25 個商務情境單元。是全國第一本將職場實境結合文法句型的新多益文法書!不僅學到必考句型,更能同步提升工作上的英文能力!
特色 2:揚棄瑣碎文法規則,深化句構能力
市面上大部分的新多益文法書,只強調文法規則和公式背誦。然而,在實際應考時,只有死背公式通常無法順利得分。因此,《第一次就考好 New TOEIC新多益 文法》緊扣新多益測驗趨勢,著重於讀者的「國際職場溝通能力」,讓你知道在實際溝通場合中商務人士就是這麼說。考好新多益完全不能靠背一堆文法公式,而是要知道怎麼將這些句構概念應用在商務場合上。
UNIT 01 名詞
How many representatives will you be sending to the conference?
There are many items on the agenda.
Several new book series were discussed at the meeting.
Ron’s team are specialists in their field.
Gold was the main topic of the investment conference.
The CEO was late to the meeting.
Everyone was given a sheet of paper to take notes.
The manager gave a presentation about the importance of teamwork.
Level 1 挑戰多益 450
Level 2 挑戰多益 600