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Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences 11/e


Laurence D. Hoffmann、Gerald L. Bradley、Dave Sobecki、Michael Price
427.00  元
HK$ 405.65  

規格:平裝 / 1088頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 11版


[ 尚未分類 ]

  1.Learning Objectives: Learning objectives, listed at the opening of each section, help to organize knowledge and topics for both instructors and students.

  2.Revised and Reorganized Application Exercises.

  3.Reorganized and Updated Contents: As technology advances, trigonometric functions are becoming more and more important for all applied topics. For this reason, the chapter on Trigonometric Functions has been moved from Chapter 11 to Chapter 9.

  4.Connect: The online homework, eBook, videos, applets, and other electronic supplements will all be housed within McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform.


Laurence D. Hoffmann

  現職:Salomon Smith Barney

Gerald L. Bradley

  現職:Claremont Mckenna College

Dave Sobecki

  現職:Miami University Hamilton

Michael Price

  現職:University of Oregon

Ch 1 Functions, Graphs, and Limits
Ch 2 Differentiation: Basic Concepts
Ch 3 Additional Applications of the Derivative
Ch 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Ch 5 Integration
Ch 6 Additional Topics in Integration
Ch 7 Calculus of Several Variables
Ch 8 Trigonometric Functions
Ch 9 Differential Equations
Ch10 Infinite Series and Taylor Series Approximations
Ch11 Probability and Calculus

Appendix A: Algebra Review
A1 A Brief Review of Algebra
A2 Factoring Polynomials and Solving Systems of Equations
A3 Evaluating Limits with L’Hopital’s Rule
A4 The Summation Notation

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