農曆除夕與元旦Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
紅豆年糕Red Bean Cane Sugar Cake �五香臘味芋頭糕Taro Cake �臘味蘿蔔糕Turnip Cake �柱侯五香蓮藕糕Lotus Root Cake �馬蹄糕Water Chestnut Cake �花生椰絲芝麻球Deep Fried Sesame Balls �五香肉碎芝麻球Five Spice Pork Sesame Seed Balls�鮮肉湯餃Pork and King Prawn Soup Dumplings
情人節St. Valentine’s Day
甜心雞尾酒蝦仁沙拉Sweetheart Prawn Cocktail with Salad �愛心燴薯佐燒鮭魚Love Heart Fondant Potatoes with Baked Salmon �心心相印奶凍布丁Heart to Heart Panna Cotta
元宵節Lantern Festival
Glutinous Rice Flour Sweet Dumplings
清明節Ching Ming Festival
潤餅捲Spring rolls
十字麵包Hot Cross Bun �彩蛋杯子蛋糕 Easter Egg Cupcakes
母親節Mother’s Day
樹莓巧克力塔Raspberry and Chocolate Tart
端午節Dragon Boat Festival
廣式五香鹹肉五角粽Cantonese Style Salted Meat Rice Dumpling�紅豆鹼水三角粽Red Bean Lye Water Dumplings
父親節Father’s Day
小型磨菇牛肉漢堡Mini Beef Burger on Mushroom Muffin
七夕Qixi Festival
糖不甩Glutinous rice flour balls with peanuts and coconuts in syrup
重陽節Chongyang Festival
薑?油佐白切雞Poached Chicken served with Ginger and Spring onions in Oil
豐收節Harvest Festival
蘋果酥派Apple crumble �紅蘿蔔蛋糕Carrot Cake
中秋節Mid – Autumn Festival
迷你廣式白蓮蓉蛋黃月餅Traditional Mooncakes with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolks�迷你椰汁雙豆沙雪餅Snow Skin Mooncakes with Mung Beans and Coconut Red Beans
火焰之夜Bonfire Night
糖薑蛋糕Parkin Cake �辣椒燉牛肉醬Chilli Con Carne �烤甜椒南瓜湯Roasted pepper and pumpkin soup
冬至Winter Solstice
雙色鹹湯圓Minced Pork Glutinous Rice Flour Balls
烤火雞肉捲Turkey Breast Roll �烤培根捲腸Bacon wrapped sausages �烤馬鈴薯Roast potatoes �寶石拌飯Jewelled Rice �炒高麗菜嬰Burssels Sprouts with Bacon and Petit Pois�楓糖芥末紅蘿蔔Maple-Mustard Glazed Carrots �小紅莓醬Cranberry sauce �烤汁Gravy �松露巧克力Chocolate Truffles�無酒聖誕蛋糕Non-Alcohol Christmas Cake �聖誕節巧克力樹幹蛋糕捲Chocolate Yule Log
跨年New Year’s Eve welcomes in the New Year
燻鮭魚薯蓉小烤餅Smoked Salmon and Potato Mini Fish Cakes�紅莓醬燴肉丸串Skewered Meatballs in Cranberry Sauce�迷你小披薩Mini Pizza�紐約起士蛋糕New York Cheese Cake �巧克力杯子蛋糕Mint Chocolate Cupcakes
四季最愛料理All year round family favourite “ Homemade Rice Flour Rolls ”
自家製茶樓豬腸粉Homemade Rice Flour Rolls
星期天烤肉午餐Sunday Roast Dinner
烤牛外腿肉和紅酒燒汁Roast Topside with Red Wine Gravy�烤雞和檸檬龍蒿葉汁Roast Chicken with Lemon & Tarragon Sauce�烤脆皮豬腳Roast Pork with Crackling �約克郡布丁Yorkshire pudding