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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The Exciting Streets of Barcelona


National Geographic
54.00  元
HK$ 54  

  • 規格:平裝 / 24頁 / 25k正 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 故事讀本 > 其他

      Welcome to the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library, a unique new series of reader for learners of English. This series offers fascinating stories and facts from the four corners of our world, and develops the language and skills needed to understand non-fiction writing.


      •市面上第一部非小說類(Non-Fiction)的讀本,由國家地理頻道National Geographic Learning & Cengage Learning嚴選一系列內容豐富有趣的影片設計而成。包含五大主題:

      ?Incredible Animals 動物生活,例如:猩猩/紅熊貓/南美洲乳動物

      ?Fascinating Places 名勝古蹟,例如:富士山(日本)/馬丘比丘(祕魯)/紐西蘭冒險之旅

      ?Remarkable People 人文民族,例如:蒙古遊牧民族/日本藝伎生活

      ?Exciting Activities 各式活動,例如:阿拉斯加攀冰/漫遊戈壁沙漠

      ?Amazing Science 科學新知,例如:生物學/氣象學/火山的形成

      •100本單獨讀本,依程度分成8個等級;字彙量(Academic Word)由800到3,000 Headwords。適合Pre-intermediate到Advanced程度的讀者。


      •可依需求選擇有搭配多媒體光碟的讀本,光碟中包含國家地理頻道Media Center獨家原始影片,以及讀本所有內容的朗讀音檔。


      ?Lesson Planner

      ?Story Summary

      ?Teaching Notes

      ?Copiable Worksheets & Quizzes

      ?Grammar Presentation

      ?Exam Generator


    其 他 著 作
    1. 國家地理雜誌 中文版 2016年11月 No.180 火星時代
    2. 國家地理雜誌 中文版 2016年10月 No.179 仿生眼
    3. 腦力大挑戰
    4. 全球30個最精采的旅遊城市
    5. 實用草本百科
    6. 一生必遊的歐洲最佳100景點
    7. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Audio CDs/2片
    8. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Audio CDs/3片
    9. 貓與狗
    10. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Happy Elephants
    11. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Lost City of Machu Picchu
    12. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Snow Magic!
    13. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 A Disappearing World
    14. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Dinosaur Search
    15. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Memory Man
    16. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Lost Temples of the Maya
    17. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Bird Girl
    18. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 A Chinese Artist in Harlem
    19. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Blue Cows?
    20. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 The Black Diamonds of Provence
    21. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Arctic Whale Danger!
    22. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Monkey Party
    23. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Future of a Village
    24. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Dreamtime Painters
    25. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Columbus and the New World
    26. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Don’t Believe Your Eyes!
    27. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Life on the Orinoco
    28. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Young Riders of Mongolia
    29. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Giant’s Causeway
    30. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Alaskan Ice Climbing
    31. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Story of the Hula
    32. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Gorilla Watching Tours
    33. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Volcano Trek
    34. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Birds in Paradise
    35. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 A Special Kind of Neighborhood
    36. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Knife Markets of Sanaa
    37. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Taiko Master
    38. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Peruvian Weavers
    39. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Last of the Cheju Divers
    40. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Cheese-Rolling Races
    41. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Water Sports Adventure
    42. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Farley the Red Panda
    43. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Puffin Rescue!
    44. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 A Real Winner
    45. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Butler School
    46. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 One Boy’s Journey
    47. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 One Village Makes a Difference
    48. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Making a Thai Boxing Champion
    49. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Living with a Volcano
    50. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Killer Bees!
    51. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Cupid the Dolphin
    52. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Wild Animal Town
    53. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Three Rivers of Zambia
    54. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Mount Fuji
    55. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Olympians
    56. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Zoo Dentists
    57. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Gliding Across the Gobi
    58. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Art of Making Silk
    59. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Capoeira: The Fighting Dance
    60. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Orangutan Language
    61. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 DVD/1片
    62. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Para-Life Rescue!
    63. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Solar Cooking
    64. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Saving the Pandas
    65. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Beagle Patrol
    66. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Giant Cave Crocs!
    67. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Opal Town
    68. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Confucianism in China
    69. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 The Gauchos of Argentina
    70. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 The Life of a Geisha
    71. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Chuckwagon Racing
    72. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Audio CDs/3片
    73. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Audio CDs/3片
    74. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Audio CDs/3片
    75. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Audio CDs/3片
    76. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Koalas
    77. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The King of the Spiders
    78. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 DVD/1片
    79. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The Hidden Treasures of Egypt
    80. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Teacher’s Manual
    81. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Audio CDs/3片
    82. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Audio CDs/3片
    83. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Dinosaur Builder
    84. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 DVD/1片
    85. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Teacher’s Manual
    86. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Teacher’s Manual
    87. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Teacher’s Manual
    88. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Teacher’s Manual
    89. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Polar Bears in Trouble
    90. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Afghanistan’s Heroic Artists
    91. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Mysterious Crop Circles
    92. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Firewalking
    93. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Mars on Earth
    94. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Living the Slow Lane
    95. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Tornado Chase
    96. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Snake Detective
    97. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Natacha’s Animal Rescue
    98. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Canyaking Adventure
    99. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Cheetahs in Focus
    100. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Space Walk