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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
環境科學概論:結合全球與在地永續發展 8/e


263.00  元
HK$ 263  

  • 規格:平裝 / 434頁 / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 8版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 自然科普 > 環境科學 > 概論

      環境保護及永續發展不僅是世界各國政府公部門的問題,也是私部門的問題,更是民眾切身相關的問題。在極端的環境問題背後,如果能有一本可以詳盡介紹環境科學各面向的書,則可更系統性地了解環境問題。幸運地,Cunningham 教授的《環境科學概論》(Principles of Environmental Science: inquiry and Application, 8e) 正是這樣的一本書。本書內容除了環境相關知識之外,尚包括糧食、農業、能源、氣象、毒物、生態、社會、經濟、政治學等。而原著的案例,除了全球性案例之外,主要仍以美國為主。有鑒於臺灣為世界地球村的一員,且近年來臺灣極端氣候所造成的環境破壞、天災人禍相當嚴重,因此編譯者將本土案例融入原著之中,不僅可讓讀者了解臺灣本土的環境狀況,亦能從全球的案例中汲取經驗,並進一步思考臺灣的環境議題。


    其 他 著 作
    1. 環境科學概論:結合全球與在地永續發展(6/e)
    2. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America
    3. face2face Advanc Stud Bk w CD-ROM (Paperback with CD-ROM )
    4. face2face Starter Class Audio CDs (Audio CD )
    5. Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications
    6. Environmental Science: A Global Concern
    7. face2face Cult Ing Inte Std Bk w CD (Paperback with CD)
    8. face2face Upper Intermediate Network CD-ROM
    9. face2face Upper Intermediate Workbook with Key
    10. face2face Upper Intermediate Class Cassettes
    11. face2face Intermediate/Upper Intermediate DVD
    12. face2face Upper Intermediate Class CDs
    13. face2face Pre-intermediate Whiteboard Software Single Classroom
    14. Environmental Science: A Global Concern
    15. Environmental Science: A Global Concern (NASTA Hardcover Reinforced High School Binding)
    16. face2face Intermediate Workbook with Key
    17. face2face Intermediate Network CD-ROM
    18. face2face Intermediate Class CDs
    19. face2face Intermediate Class Cassettes
    20. face2face Elementary Whiteboard Software Network
    21. face2face Elementary Whiteboard Software
    22. Principles of Environmental Science
    23. face2face Pre-intermediate Workbook with Key
    24. face2face Pre-intermediate Network CD-ROM
    25. face2face Elementary Network CD-ROM
    26. face2face Pre-intermediate Class CDs
    27. face2face Pre-intermediate Class Cassettes
    28. face2face Elementary Workbook
    29. face2face Elementary Class CDs
    30. face2face Elementary Class Cassettes
    31. Environmental Science: A Global Concern with OLC
    32. Environmental Science: A Global Concern (NASTA Hardcover Reinforced High School Binding)
    33. The Quiet Center
    34. 電子商務-Smart MBA自修手冊3
    35. B2B—獲利不再虛擬
    36. Environmental Science: A Global Concern with ESP and OLC password code card
    37. 365家庭崇拜
    38. 神的冒險家 (Daring to Live on the Edge)
    39. 神的冒險家
    40. The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews
    41. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
    42. face2face Advanced Workbook w Key (Paperback)