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Jennifer Lee
140.00  元
HK$ 119  

  • 叢書系列:英語多多
  • 規格:平裝 / 400頁 / 17 x 23 x 2 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 英語學習法








      - 生活化主題:飲食、風俗、教育、運動、休閒旅遊、時尚等。

      - 個人化主題:人生態度、美容保養、疾病治療、情感、人生規劃等。

      - 全球化主題:商務、媒體、現代科技、全球議題等。


      - 聯想學習:由中心主題向外發散聯想各種相關單字。

      - 視覺記憶:以顏色區分單字詞性,一看就能記住單字功能。

      - 聽覺訓練:搭配MP3反覆聆聽單字朗讀。


      - 生活會話:將重點單字套入情境對話,練習應用詞彙和學習使用時機。

      - 實用短文:練習從關鍵字彙切入句子與文章,快速理解全文並訓練閱讀能力。

      - 填空練習:依前後文填入適當單字,一邊測試自己是否記住單字,一邊複習。


      可一次下載全書MP3檔案,或掃描內頁QR code收聽各單元內容。


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      | 三階段延伸練習 |











    PART 1 Food 關於飲食

    001 Wine Tasting品嚐葡萄酒

    002 The Art of Coffee 咖啡藝術

    003 Eating Habits 飲食習慣

    004 Ordering Food in Restaurant 餐廳點餐

    005 Drinks 酒類飲料


    PART 2 Customs 風俗習慣

    006 Good Manners 好禮儀

    007 Celebrate 慶祝恭賀

    008 Condolences 慰問弔唁

    009 Having a Conversation 聊天交談

    010 Customs and Traditions 習俗與傳統


    PART 3 Attitude人生態度

    011 A Meaningful Life 有意義的人生

    012 Accomplishments 了不起的成就

    013 Fake It Until You Make It 裝假直至成真

    014 Be a Boss 當老闆

    015 Becoming a Better Writer 成為更好的作家

    016 Charity 慈善機構

    017 Creativity 創造力

    018 Emotional Intelligence 情緒智商

    019 Telling the Truth 說實話

    020 Habits 習慣癖好

    021 Language Learning學習語言

    022 A Good Deal of Passion 巨大的熱情

    023 Personality Test 性格測試

    024 Regrets 遺憾後悔

    025 Stress in Your Life生活中的壓力

    026 Survive in a Disaster災難中生存

    027 Waiting Until the Last Minute 等到最後一刻


    PART 4 Beauty Care 美容保養

    028 Charming Perfume 迷人的香水

    029 Aging Problems老化問題

    030 Skin Care 皮膚保養

    031 Make Up關於化妝

    032 Getting a Haircut 剪頭髮

    033 A Day at the Spa 上美容院的一天

    034 Making an Appointment 事先預約

    035 Joining a Gym? 參加健身房

    036 Inventions 創新發明


    PART 5 Treatment 疾病治療

    037 Medication 藥物治療

    038 Getting Sick 生病了

    039 See a Doctor看醫生

    040 A Visit to the Dentist看牙醫

    041 Go to the Hospital去醫院


    PART 6 Emotions 關於情感

    042 Modern Romance 現代戀愛

    043 Blind Date 盲目約會

    044 Breaking Up 分手吧

    045 Go on a Date來場約會

    046 Make Friends 交朋友

    047 Love and Marriage 愛情與婚姻

    048 Money Can’t Buy You Love 金錢買不到愛


    PART 7 Life Plans人生規劃

    049 My Family 我的家庭

    050 Future Plans未來計畫

    051 Holding a Wedding舉行婚禮

    052 Having Children 生小孩

    053 Buying a Home 購屋置產

    054 My House, My Home 我的房子,我的家

    055 Fixing Things Around the House房屋修繕

    056 Moving into a New House搬新家

    057 Retirement 退休生活


    PART 8 Education 學校教育

    058 A New School 新學校

    059 High School 高中生活

    060 Higher Education 高等教育

    061 Paying for College 支付大學學費

    062 Getting a Job 找工作


    PART 9 Popular Sport 熱門運動

    063 American Sports 美式運動

    064 Is Cheerleading a Sport? 啦啦隊是運動嗎?

    065 Golfing for Business 商場上的高爾夫交際

    066 Soccer: The World’s Most Popular Sport 足球:全球最熱門的運動

    067 Sports for a Healthy Life健康生活的運動


    PART 10 Leisure 休閒時刻

    068 Collecting 收藏物品

    069 Gardening 園藝活動

    070 Hiking 徒步旅行

    071 Hobbies 興趣嗜好

    072 Hunting and Fishing 打獵釣魚

    073 Music 音樂作品

    074 Photography 拍照攝影

    075 Reading a Book讀一本書

    076 About Time 關於時間


    PART 11 Travel 到處旅行

    077 Changeable Weather 多變的天氣

    078 Adventures 冒險活動

    079 Geography 地理位置

    080 Taking a Vacation度假去

    081 Travel Planning 旅行計畫

    082 Driving 開車上路

    083 Getting Around 到處走走


    PART 12 Fashion 關於時尚

    084 Shopping 逛街購物

    085 Online Shopping 網路購物

    086 Handbags 手提包

    087 About Shoes 關於鞋子

    088 Luxury Goods 奢侈品

    089 Formal Wear 正式服裝

    090 Tuxedos男士晚禮服


    PART 13 Business 一般商務

    091 How to Handle Money如何管錢

    092 Finding Your Brand 找到你的品牌

    093 Marketing 市場行銷

    094 Meetings 公司會議

    095 Management 經營管理

    096 Accounting 財務會計

    097 Banks 銀行事務

    098 Customer Service 客戶服務

    099 Investing 101投資入門

    100 The Road to Success 通向成功的道路

    101 Trade Shows 商業貿易展覽


    PART 14 Media 大眾媒體

    102 Award Ceremonies頒獎典禮

    103 Comedy喜劇片

    104 Fame名氣聲譽

    105 Watching Movies 看電影

    106 Online Radio網路電台

    107 Social Media社群媒體

    108 Television電視廣播


    PART 15 Technology 現代科技

    109 Virtual Reality 虛擬實境

    110 Internet網際網路

    111 New Technology新科技

    112 Privacy 隱私權


    PART 16 World 全球議題

    113 Crime and Punishment犯罪與處罰

    114 Environment自然環境

    115 Government國家政府

    116 Gun Control 槍枝管制

    117 Military軍事軍隊

    118 Political Issues政治議題

    119 Racism 種族歧視

    120 Religion宗教信仰





    Language learning is a solid pathway to exploring what life has to offer!

      Whenever I am introduced to a new student, one of the first questions that I ask is why they are learning English. My younger students usually say it’s because their parents are making them. My adult students will say for work. While both answers serve as great motivation, I find that one of the greatest benefits of language learning is how much of life opens up. From making new friends, to watching movies from different cultures, to being able to try new cuisine; language learning is a solid pathway to exploring what life has to offer.

      When I was writing this book, I kept different types of motivations in mind. You will find common vocabulary that is needed for standardized tests like GEPT, TOEIC, and IELTS. You’ll also find words, sentence structures, and idioms that are helpful in having friendly but meaningful conversations. Lastly, you’ll learn vocabulary that can help you navigate everyday life and even potentially open up new hobbies for you.

      You will need an upper beginner to lower intermediate knowledge of English to use this book. Every topic has four sections. The first is your vocabulary diagram with both English definitions and Chinese translations. I encourage you to try to think in English by reading the English definition first. If you are still struggling, check the Chinese translation. The English definitions are written for learners. The definitions might seem simplified compared to traditional dictionary definitions, but what we want is to give you a general understanding of a word, then for you to move to the next section of the chapter for examples and practice. Personally, with my own language learning experiences, I have tried the method of memorizing words and their dictionary definitions and I did gain a large vocabulary. However, there have been so many times where I just had no idea how to practically use the word. Then the word would get lost in the nether regions of my brain. I wasted a lot of time this way and don’t want that to happen to you. I’m hoping you will avoid this by learning how to use the vocabulary words through the example and practice section of every chapter.

      The other thing you should know about this book is that it is progressive…but not. If you start from topic1 and work your way to topic 120, you will see that newly acquired vocabulary is reinforced throughout the book. However, if you want to skip to a topic that is of interest to you, that’s perfectly okay too. The grammar throughout the book is a lower intermediate level and doesn’t change significantly. If you see a word you don’t know, look it up!

      I’ve taken my experience as a teacher but also as a language student to come up with useful topics in life, career, and testing. By the end of the book you should have the confidence, skills, and vocabulary to interact in English socially, talk about hobbies and passions, communicate in the business world, and navigate through standardized tests. My hope is that this book will help elevate your English skills and happily go through this demanding but exciting venture of English language learning. Happy learning!

    Jennifer Lee

    其 他 著 作
    1. 美國人天天說的1200句英文會話(附單字朗讀MP3光碟+QR Code+全彩拉頁心智圖)
    2. 美國人天天用的1500個英文單字(附單字朗讀MP3光碟+QR Code)
    3. 用英文說故事,多的是你不知道的事
    4. 孩子的第一本英文日記Diary Book
    5. 孩子的英文會話日用百科(附光碟+QR Code+全彩拉頁心智圖)
    6. 18分鐘速學生活英語會話:史上最實用的英語自修課!(掃描QR code收聽英語朗讀)
    7. 孩子的英文單字日用百科(附光碟+QR Code)
    8. 曼陀羅英單記憶術:用九宮格聯想記憶英文單字
    9. The Art of Frozen