1.出發準備及搭機 Preparation and Boarding
a. 訂旅館和機票 Hotel and Airplane Reservations
b. 搭機事宜 At the Airport
c. 飛機上 During the Flight
2.入境與交通 Arriving and Transportation
a. 轉機與入境 Transferring and Customs
b. 搭乘交通工具 Ground Transportation
3. 用餐與住宿 Dining and Accommodations
a. 餐廳訂位及外帶 Reserving a Table and Ordering Carry-out
b. 點餐及用餐 Ordering Food and Dining
c. 辦理住宿及退房 Checking in and Checking out
d. 旅館大小事 Getting the Most out of Your Stay
4.觀光與購物 Sightseeing and Shopping
a. 參加當地行程 Taking in the Local Color
b. 參觀景點 Seeing the Local Sights
c. 血拼購物 Shopping
5. 問路及交談 Asking and Conversation
a. 溝通詢問 Asking Directions
b. 與人交談 Meeting People
6.遭遇麻煩 Running into Trouble
a. 意外狀況 Accidents and Emergencies
b. 生病就醫 Seeing the Doctor