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240.00  元
HK$ 228  

  • 叢書系列:大學共同
  • 規格:平裝 / 792頁 / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 商業理財 > 會計/統計 > 統計學

      For algebra-based Introductory Statistics courses. Offering the most accessible approach to statistics, with a strong visual/graphical emphasis, the book offers a vast number of examples on the premise that students learn best by "doing". The fourth edition features many updates and revisions that place increased emphasis on interpretation of results and critical thinking in addition to calculations. This emphasis on "statistical literacy" is reflective of the GAISE recommendations.


      Written for successful study, every aspect of Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World has been carefully crafted to help readers learn statistics. Chapter topics cover an introduction to statistics, descriptive statistics, probability, discrete probability distributions, normal probability distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing with one sample, hypothesis testing with two-samples, correlation and regression, chi-square tests and the F-distribution, and nonparametric tests. For individuals who want to learn statistics.


    Chapter 1 Introduction to Statistics 0
    Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics 30
    Chapter 3 Probability 108
    Chapter 4 Discrete Probability Distributions 160
    Chapter 5 Normal Probability Distributions 204
    Chapter 6 Confidence Intervals 268
    Chapter 7 Hypothesis Testing with One Sample 318
    Chapter 8 Hypothesis Testing with Two Samples 388
    Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression 440
    Chapter 10 Chi-Square Tests and the F-Distribution 492
    Chapter 11 Nonparametric Tests 544

    Index 1

    其 他 著 作
    1. Project Management: A Socio-Technical Approach(2024 Release)(9版)
    2. 微積分 Larson 12/e 附解答本
    3. 專案管理(Larson/Project Management: The Managerial Process 8e)
    4. 微積分(精華版) 4/e
    5. Project Management: The Managerial Process (8版)
    6. 微積分(10版)
    7. 微積分(精華版)(公制版)(10版)
    8. Brief Calculus:An Applied Approach(Metric Edition)(10版)
    9. Calculus: An Applied Approach (Metric Edition) (10版)
    10. 微積分(Larson/Calculus: An Applied Approach 10e)
    11. 微積分(精華版)(Larson/Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach 10e)
    12. 微積分(精華版) 4/e 附解答本(四版)
    13. 微積分11/e(附解答本)
    14. Project Management: The Managerial Process(7版)
    15. 專案管理(6版)
    16. Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project 6/e
    17. 專案管理
    18. 微積分何解析幾何習題詳解 8/E(上)-(繁體)
    19. 微積分和解析幾何習題詳解 8/E(中)-(繁體)
    20. 美國晨星(Morningstar)股票投資學習手冊:三部曲 Part 2 精益求精-如何挑選獲利致勝的股票
    21. Fundamental Accounting Principles: Larson and Wild and Chiappetta
    22. Project Management: The Managerial Process 3/e
    23. Elementary Linear Algebra, 5th edition
    24. The Far Side Gallery 2 (Paperback)
    25. 財務會計精簡版
    26. The Far Side Gallery 5 (Paperback)
    27. The Far Side Gallery 4 (Paperback)
    28. Unnatural Selections (Paperback)
    29. Project Management: The Managerial Process 4/e
    30. 新紀元答客問
    31. 新紀元答客問(續篇)
    32. 給接棒者 - 新一代的教會領袖
    33. The Far Side Gallery 3 (Paperback)
    34. The Far Side Gallery (Paperback)