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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價64.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$51.2
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國立傳統藝術中心 國光劇團
150.00  元
HK$ 135  

  • 叢書系列:逗陣影音館
  • 規格:DVD / 167頁 / 12.5 x 14 cm / 普通級

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 影音產品 > 傳統藝術

      春秋時代吳越爭霸,越國戰敗,越王勾踐與大夫范蠡計議,將越國第一美女、同時也是范蠡的情人西施進獻吳王夫差,以美色誘惑夫差怠忽國事,勾建則臥薪嘗膽,矢志復仇。范蠡與西施約定待西施功成回國後兩人成婚。   越國反攻吳國獲勝,勾踐與范蠡在戰場上尋得西施,迎接歸越。西施回國後如釋重負,然而勾踐內心卻漾起隱隱的妒意,范蠡也認為西施縱情歡愉甚是不宜。范蠡對西施重新表達真心,然而當西施對范蠡透露懷胎之事,范蠡卻難以承受。范蠡要求西施務必對勾踐隱瞞懷孕之事,西施決定離開國都回返苧羅村,勾踐起疑派兵,名為保護,實為監視……   西施返家,數月後,懷孕之事無法對母親隱瞞,為了避免連累母親,西施決定在暴雨閃電之中獨自到山中分娩。   勾踐領兵前來斬草除根,范蠡領兵前來救護西施,西施懷抱嬰兒,即使母親、東施與范蠡力勸,始終不忍將他摔死。在西施眼中,她與嬰兒的親情已勝過人世間全部的情感。勾踐走近西施,西施為了避免嬰兒哭聲被勾踐發覺(其實勾踐已經察覺),用力捂緊,嬰兒在她的掩藏中逐漸停止哭聲,停止呼吸……

      During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Kingdom and Yue Kingdom waged war against each other and Yue was defeated. King Goe Jian and Minister Fan Li deliberate and come up with a scheme. They offer Xi Shi, the most beautiful woman of the kingdom and the lover of Fan Li, to King Fu Chai of Wu as a tribute, expecting Fu Chai to ignore national affairs, indulging in a lustful affair with Xi Shi instead. Goe Jian, meanwhile, undergoes self-imposed hardships and vows revenge. Fan Li and Xi Shi make a commitment to get married once Xi Shi successfully returns from her mission.   Yue Kingdom launches an attack and defeats Wu. Goa Jian and Fan Li find Xi Shi on the battlefield and bring her back to Yue with honor. Xi Shi is relieved when she returns to her country, but Goe Jian becomes jealous of her achievements and Fan Li is unhappy over the fact that Xi Shi had sex with another man. Later, Fan Li expresses his love to Xi Shi once again, but when Xi Shi reveals to him that she is pregnant, Fan Li cannot accept it and even asks Xi Shi to keep the fact from Goe Jian. Xi Shi decides to leave the capital and return to her hometown, Zhu-luo Village.   Goe Jian becomes suspicious and sends troops after her, claiming to protect her for her own safety but in fact keeping her under surveillance.      A few months after Xi Shi returns to her home, she can no longer hide her pregnancy from her mother. In order to avoid getting her mother involved, Xi Shi decides to go to the mountain alone where she gives birth to the baby in a thunder storm.   Goe Jian arrives with his troops, intending to kill Xi Shi and her baby, the son of Fu Chai, but Fan Li also arrives with troops in time to rescue Xi Shi. With the baby in her arms, Xi Shi does not have the heart to thrown him to the ground and kill him even though her mother, Dong Shi, and Fan Li keep urging her to do so. In her eyes, her motherly love toward the baby surpasses everything else in the world. When Goe Jian gets close to Xi Shi, she, to prevent Goe Jian from hearing the baby crying (actually he has already found out about it), covers the baby’s mouth tightly. Gradually, the baby stops crying in her arms, and stops breathing…


    其 他 著 作
    1. 虎符風雲[DVD]
    2. 武動三國:她的凝視(DVD)
    3. 活捉、大劈棺、伐子都(DVD)
    4. 長生殿(DVD)
    5. 雪弟恨(DVD)
    6. 閻羅夢:天地一秀才(DVD)
    7. 夢紅樓•乾隆與和珅(DVD)
    8. 伐子都、林沖(DVD)
    9. 「熱血」:《打神告廟》《秦瓊父子》(光碟)
    10. 「熱血」:《石秀》(光碟)
    11. 再見禁戲:《昭君出塞》、《莊子試妻》、《吳漢殺妻》(2DVD)
    12. 費特兒DVD
    13. 繡襦夢、打子DVD
    14. 武戲一:林沖夜奔、大戰金沙灘、武松打店、鍾馗嫁妹(DVD)
    15. 定風波DVD
    16. 武戲二:戰冀州、陸文龍(DVD)
    17. 快雪時晴[2DVD](二版)
    18. 新寶蓮燈DVD
    19. 孝莊與多爾袞[2DVD]
    20. 賣鬼狂想(DVD)
    21. 青春謝幕(DVD)
    22. 十八羅漢圖(DVD)
    23. 水袖與胭脂[DVD]
    24. 梁山伯與祝英台(2版) [DVD]