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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


47.00  元
HK$ 44.65  

  • 叢書系列:Youth
  • 規格:平裝 / 176頁 / 12.8 x 18.2 x 1.3 cm / 限制級

  • 漫畫 > 戀愛故事 > 男性向








    其 他 著 作
    1. Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care, 7E
    2. 職人級極品果醬技法全圖解:選用在地四季食材,從單品、複合、香料、到花草佐味,封存水果精華的40種醬料配方及54種絕讚吃法!
    3. 開露營車玩大自然:絕美國家公園秘境、車泊生活體驗、野外探險活動,開到哪玩到哪,打開車門就是百萬風景!
    4. 甜點之路 La Route de Patissiere Linda:跟著台法國際甜點交流推手 Linda, 一起感受法式甜點的美好!從經典、地方傳統到創新, 法式甜點在家也能輕鬆做。
    5. 解放∼妻子外遇的理由∼(04)完
    6. 健康評估與鑑別診斷(6版)
    7. 解放∼妻子外遇的理由∼(03)
    8. 解放∼妻子外遇的理由∼(02)
    9. 美魔女Linda老師超值激瘦套書(博客來獨家:限量贈送 肌筋膜舒緩花生球)
    10. 50歲的女力逆襲!打破年齡迷思,一條彈力帶在家練出腰腿臀神級曲線,增強身心防疫力
    11. 解放∼妻子外遇的理由∼(01)
    12. Computing Essentials 2019 (Complete ED)
    13. Girl Friend女朋友寫真 Vol.3
    14. 女子內幕∼新人女子漫畫編輯的情況∼(全)
    15. 甩開寬扁胖!48歲的壺鈴爆美力:健身界美魔女Linda,教你40招有效瘦腰腿臀術!每週15分鐘,從XL變S號!
    16. 女子內幕∼素人陪酒女郎的情況∼ (全)
    17. 女子內幕∼美術系模特兒的情況∼(全)
    18. 46歲的肌勵奇蹟:減齡回到24歲,減腰至少3吋,減去人生負能量 健身界最夯名師LINDA教你45天打造3D美腹,微笑享受斷捨離
    19. 教師評鑑這樣做:提高教育效能與進步的關鍵
    20. Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
    21. Lonely Planet Great Britain
    22. Lonely Planet England
    23. 自己做!安心吃!超市買不到的極品果醬:純天然、最健康!不擔心會吃出問題的34款手工果醬配方+54種絕讚吃法
    24. 女子內幕∼偶像志願女子的情況∼(全)
    25. 3喵1牛,爆笑日常�Linda貓記事
    26. The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2
    27. The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep: A New Way of Getting Children to Sleep
    28. A House in the Sky: A Memoir
    29. 柏格頭投資指南
    30. 沙盤治療實務手冊
    31. Contracts for Paralegals: Legal Principles and Practical Applications
    32. Perfect Selling
    33. Teach Yourself Your Wedding
    34. Management Communication: Principles and Practice
    35. Business: A Changing World
    36. Biology
    37. Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
    38. Engaged Leadership: Building a Culture to Overcome Employee Disengagement (Hardcover)
    39. Gender: Psychological Perspectives
    40. Nanotechnology Demystified
    41. Comprehensive School Health Education
    42. Rich and Thin: How to Slim Down, Shrink Debt, and Turn Calories Into Cash
    43. Teach Yourself Casino Games New Edition
    44. The 1031 Tax Advantage for Real Estate Investors
    45. Through the Labyrinth
    46. Perfect Phrases for Building Strong Teams: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Fostering Collaboration, Encoura
    47. Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications
    48. Early-Start Potty Training
    49. Global Sociology: Introducing Five Contemporary Societies
    50. The Sales Success Handbook
    51. The Product Managers Handbook, 3E
    52. Careers in Travel, Tourism, & Hospitality, Second ed.
    53. How to Choose a College Major, revised and updated edition
    54. Ordeal
    55. Environmental Science Demystified
    56. Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
    57. Families, Violence and Social Change
    58. Families, Violence and Social Change
    59. Another Opening, Another Show: An Introduction to the Theatre
    60. Management Communication: Principles and Practice
    61. Perfect Phrases for Motivating and Rewarding Employees
    62. Multisourcing
    63. 照護女人心
    64. Linda新掀美妝書
    65. Earth Science Demystified
    66. Office Urogynecology (Practical Pathways Series)
    67. Pharmaceutical Care Practice
    68. 幼兒教育 Early Childhood Educational Research
    69. Action Therapy With Families and Groups: Using Creative Arts Improvisation in Clinical Practice
    70. Chemistry Demystified
    71. Diabetes Education Goals
    72. The Sales Success Handbook
    73. Disputing Doctors
    74. Interactive Teaching in the Primary School
    75. Disputing Doctors
    76. Interactive Teaching in the Primary School
    77. Building Leadership Capacity for School Improvement
    78. The Media and Gender Reader
    79. Critical Readings: Media and Gender
    80. Teaching K-6 Mathematics
    81. Teaching in Changing Times: The Courage to Lead
    82. Supporting Musical Development in the Early Years
    83. (二手書) 團體遊戲治療
    84. Guide to Raising a Child with Diabetes
    85. Supp. Mathematical Development In the Early Years
    86. The Pharmacy Technician Companion
    87. Cost Accounting: Principles and Applications, Text
    88. Stop Telling, Start Selling: How to Use Customer-Focused Dialogue to Close Sales
    89. Sales Coaching: Making the Great Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Coach
    90. Atlas of Primary Eyecare Procedures
    91. Selected Book Reports for Secondary Scho ol Students
    92. Selling by Phone: How to Reach and Sell to Customers in the Nineties
    93. MEPC: Optometry: Examination Review
    95. One And Many(看圖學生字)
    96. Stop And Go(看圖學生字)
    97. Hare Or Hair?(看圖學生字)
    98. Winning Negotiation Strategies for Bankers