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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
輪迴之夏 2【限】


44.00  元
HK$ 39.6
省下 $4.4

  • 規格:平裝 / 192頁 / 12.8 x 18.2 x 1.3 cm / 限制級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 漫畫 > BL / GL > BL















    其 他 著 作
    1. Forensic Social Work(中文繁體譯本)司法社會工作-不同服務對象與領域的心理社會及司法問題(一品)
    2. Service Management: Operations,Strategy, Information Technology(10版)
    3. 鑽石心態 : 運動心理學教你打造強健的心理素質,跨越比賽與人生的難關
    4. 對比的我和你 全
    5. International Economics: Theory and Policy(GE)(12版)
    6. 黑帽Python:給駭客與滲透測試者的Python開發指南 第二版
    7. Knowledge Development in Nursing, 11E:Theory and Process
    8. 輪迴之夏 1【限】
    9. 我們一起失戀的理由【限】
    10. Robin
    11. The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care: A Critical Approach
    12. 分享書,談科學:用兒童文學探索科學概念
    13. Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology(9版)
    14. Penguin AR 3 (Pre-int): The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Other Stories with CD-ROM & MP3/1片
    15. 社會學概論
    16. 亞馬遜森林探勘先鋒:徐畢克斯用科學寫日記,發掘全新物種
    17. 科學起步走:激發3∼7歲孩子好奇探究的89個活動
    18. 商周經典名著套書組7(大亨小傳〔改版〕+少年維特的煩惱〔改版〕)
    19. 失控的歐元︰從經濟整合的美夢到制度失靈的惡夢
    20. Python專家實踐指南:搭乘專業開發者的學習便車
    21. 瓶中迷境
    22. Leading: Learning from Life and My Years at Manchester United
    23. Classics of Organization Theory(Original)
    24. Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
    25. 邏輯與計算機設計 3/e
    26. 黑帽 Python:給駭客與滲透測試者的 Python 開發指南
    27. Great LEGO Sets A Visual History
    28. Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration: Therapy for Children With Autism and Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    29. 社會學
    30. 按摩治療師指引叢書系列:頭頸部疼痛
    31. 戰勝讀寫障礙
    32. Service Management:Operations, Strategy, Information Technology(8版)
    33. Engaging Writing 2:Essential Skills for Academic Writing 2/e
    34. Engaging Writing 1:Essential Skills for Academic Writing
    35. The Great Gatsby (25K彩圖經典文學改寫英文版+1MP3)
    36. 大亨小傳 (25K彩圖經典文學改寫+MP3) The Great Gatsby
    37. 夜色溫柔(英文注釋版) Tender Is the Night
    38. 神奇的陽光療癒力 Heal Yourself with Sunlight
    39. Macmillan Literature Collections (Advanced):Twentieth Century Stories
    40. 心智拼圖:從神經造影看大腦的成長、學習與改變 Pictures of the Mind
    41. 春天.語綿綿
    42. Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology 7/e
    43. Macmillan(Advanced):American Stories
    44. Macmillan(Advanced):Love Stories
    45. 寬恕治療:解除憤怒與重燃希望之理論與應用 Helping Clients Forgive-An Empirical Guide for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope
    46. Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology 6/e
    47. Macmillan(Intermediate): The Great Gatsby
    48. Operational Risk Management: A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and Response (Hardcover)
    49. Modern Sociological Theory
    50. Sociological Theory
    51. Classical Sociological Theory
    52. Annual Editions: Geography, 22/e
    53. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
    54. Beating the Global Consolidation Endgame: Nine Strategies for Winning in Niches
    55. Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology w/Student CD
    56. Broadcasting, Cable, the Internet and Beyond: An Introduction to Modern Electronic Media
    57. Tips and Traps for Marketing Your Business
    58. 安寧與緩和照護:概念與實務(精)
    59. The Daring Book for Girls (Hardcover)
    60. IQ大挑戰 魔法師的冒險:淘氣小精靈
    61. IQ大挑戰 魔法師的冒險:捉拿胖瓶怪
    62. IQ大挑戰-魔法師的冒險:搶救童話王國
    63. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: The Inspiration for the Upcoming Major Motion Picture (Paperback)
    64. 搖滾秘笈+搖滾吉他超入門(附2CD)
    65. 圖解臨床神經解剖學及神經科學
    66. Instant Income
    67. Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics
    68. LANGE Q&A: Psychiatry
    69. Pulmonary Physiology
    70. Hire Me, Inc. Resumes and Cover Letters : That Get Results
    71. Hire Me, Inc.: Become the Product Every Employer Dreams About
    72. Hire Me, Inc. Interviews : That Get Offers
    73. Digital Avionics Handbook, Second Edition - 2 Volume Set
    74. Corrosion Engineering Handbook, Second Edition - 3 Volume Set
    75. 我認識妳嗎?一個生命老去的美麗故事
    76. Business Data Communications And Networking 9/e ( H )
    77. The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun: Activities for Kids With Sensory Processing Disorder
    78. The Hundred-Year Lie: How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health (Hardcover)
    79. Engaging Writing:Paragraphs and Essays
    80. A Guide to Drawing (Paperback)
    81. 人際心理治療-理論與實務
    82. Annual Editions: Geography 06/07
    83. Opportunities in Marine Science and Maritime Careers, revised edition
    84. Electrical Safety Handbook
    85. The Dignity of Nations: Equality, Competition, and Honor in East Asian Nationalism
    86. Macmillan(Upper): The Cut-glass Bowl and Other Stories
    87. 歌德的愛與靈魂
    88. Macmillan(Intermediate): The Great Gatsby+2CDs
    89. 作業管理-流程與價值鍊
    90. The Beaded Garden: Creating Flowers with Beads and Thread (Paperback)
    91. 基督徒看消費主義 Christ and Consumerism : A Critical Analysis of the Spirit of the Age
    92. 光的故事
    93. 孩子,發現自己!
    94. Probability & Computing
    95. Crucial Confrontations
    96. Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Radiology
    97. Simulation for the Social Scientist
    98. Simulation for the Social Scientist
    99. Machining and CNC Technology with Student CD-ROM
    100. Pulmonary Pathophysiology