.脆脆香香即席山菜飯糰 Crunchy flavorful wild vegetable rice balls
.蔬菜雞胸肉捲Chicken breast roll with green vegetable
.居酒屋風──柴魚片茄子Japanese bistro style-Sauteed egg plant with Katsuo topping
.豐富的海洋味!吻仔魚&海苔玉子燒Shirasu&Seaweed Tamago-yaki
.菜肉all in one!竹筍&雞肉什錦炊飯Veg.&Meat all in one!Bamboo shoots and chicken gourmet rice
.香噴噴酒蒸綜合海鮮Sake steamed assorted seafood
.清酒蘋果醋風味醃小番茄Sake apple vinegar cherry tomatoes compote
.涼拌秋葵梅子&柴魚Okura ohitatshi with plum&katsuo bushi
.板豆腐鬆軟歐姆蛋Tofu omelet with assorted vegetables
.鱈魚排&照燒紅酒醬Black cod steak with Teriyaki red wine sauce
.味噌炒苦瓜Stir-fried balsam pear with miso sauce
.海苔炸花枝Seaweed flavored deep fried calamari
.簡單壽喜燒──牛肉片&蒟蒻絲&蔥Easy step Sukiyaki in frying pan
.胡麻味噌涼拌茄子&金針菇Eggplant&Enoki mushrooms salad with Miso dressing
.意外的組合──咖哩炸納豆餅Like it or not, Curry flavored crispy natto snack
.抹茶紅豆餅Green tea rice pancake with red bean
Part2 華麗多變創意滿分的亞洲便當
.乾燒蝦仁Stir fried prawns with sweet chili sauce
.蠔油韭菜玉子燒Nira-chives omelet with oyster sauce
.即席肉醬炒豆苗&金針菇Toumiao&Enoki mushrooms with quick meat sauce
.潤餅皮巧克力蘋果派Spring rolled apple pie with chocolate
.鱈魚和風奶醬麵Black cod pasta with Soy sauce based cream sauce
.煎豬排&黃芥末醬Sauteed pork with mustard sauce
.千層香烤茄子&番茄Eggplant & cherry tomato brochette
.簡單手工糖煮櫻桃Homemade dark cherry compote
.炸蝦馬鈴薯混血可樂餅Potetish prawn croquette
.超速滷肉焗烤飯Quick and easy Bolognaise rice gratin
.旗魚蛋起司衣煎Piccata Billfish picacata with herb
.脆糖衣焦糖抹茶布丁Green tea Creme brulwe
.蒟蒻絲&牛蒡假炊飯Konnyaku&Burdock steamed rice
.白蘿蔔排&和風菇醬Daikon steak with mushroom soy sauce
.香炒煮吻仔魚&青椒Stir fried Shirasu&green pepper
.紅酒紫蘇醃蘋果Red wine compote apple with oba