9?? ?在「蒸」之前???? Before Steamimg
10?? ?蘿蔔乾蒸魚頭???? Steamed Fish Head with Dried Radish
11?? ?豆豉蒸草魚段???? Steamed Fish with Black Bean Sauce
12?? ?樹子蒸鮮魚?????? Steamed Fish with Tree Seeds
13?? ?蒜蓉蒸魚片?????? Steamed Fish Slices with Garlic Sauce
14?? ?芙蓉蒸魚球?????? Steamed Egg with Cod
16?? ?豆酥魚片???????? Steamed Fish Filet with Bean Sauce
18?? ?廣式清蒸魚?????? Steamed Fish , Cantonese Style
19?? ?XO醬蒸魚球????? Steamed fish Cubes with XO Sauce
20?? ?雙冬蒸鮮魚?????? Steamed Fish with Black Mushroom Sauce
21?? ?酸辣屑子魚?????? Steamed Fish with Spicy Meat Sauce
22?? ?碧綠魚捲???????? Steamed Fish Rolls with Asparagus
24?? ?騏驎魚?????????? Steamed Tri-color Fish
26?? ?泰式檸檬魚?????? Lemon Fish , Tai Style
29?? ?在「炒」之前???? Before Stir Frying
30?? ?雪菜炒魚片?????? Stir-fried Fish with Preserved Mustard Green
31?? ?碧綠滑斑球?????? Stir-fried Fish Cantonese Style
32?? ?蠔油魚片???????? Fish Slices with Oyster Sauce
34?? ?滑蛋魚絲???????? Stir-fried Fish with Eggs
36?? ?魚香炒魚片?????? Stir-fried Fish Slices with Yu-Hsiang Sauce
38?? ?糟溜魚片???????? Fish Slices with Wine Sauce
39?? ?豉椒炒魚球?????? Stir-fried Fish Fillet with Fermented Beans
40?? ?鮮茄燴炒魚片???? Fish Slices with Tomato
42?? ?銀芽韭黃炒鱔魚?? Stir-fried Eel with Bean Sprouts and Leek
43?? ?辣炒丁香???????? Spicy Dried Fish
45?? ?在「燒」之前???? Before Stewing
46?? ?大蒜燒黃魚?????? Stewed Fish with Garlic
47?? ?蔥燒鮮魚???????? Stewed Fish with Green Onion
48?? ?五味豆仔魚?????? Stewed Fish with Spices
49?? ?雪菜燒帶魚?????? Stewed Fish with Mustard Green
50?? ?梅菜燒魚???????? Stewed Fish with Fermented Cabbage
52?? ?五柳枝?????????? Fish with Vegetable Sauce
53?? ?辣豆瓣魚???????? Carp with Hot Bean Sauce
54?? ?紅燒划水???????? Stewed Fish Tail Shanghai Style
55?? ?紅燒青衣???????? Stewed Fish with Soy Sauce
56?? ?紅燒百果鰻?????? Stewed Eel with Ginkgo Nuts
57?? ?蔭豉燒下巴?????? Stewed Fish Jaws with Black Bean Sauce
58?? ?南洋咖哩魚?????? Fish with Curry Sauce
60?? ?乾燒魚頭???????? Stewed Fish Head with Meat Sauce
61?? ?蒜燒鮭魚頭?????? Stewed Salmon Head with Garlic
63?? ?在「燙」之前???? Before Quick Boiling
64?? ?西湖醋溜魚?????? Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce
66?? ?麻辣魚柳???????? Fish Strips with Spicy Sauce
68?? ?軟溜魚帶粉?????? Sweet and Sour Fish with Bean Threads
70?? ?沙茶拌魚條?????? Fish Strips with Sha-Cha Sauce
71?? ?豌豆米燴魚丁???? Diced Fish with Snow Peas
73?? ?在「煎」之前???????? Before Frying
74?? ?香煎鯧魚???????????? Fried Pomfret
76?? ?蒜烹皇帝魚?????????? Fried Flounder with Garlic Sauce
77?? ?XO醬烹金線魚??????? Fried Fish with XO Sauce
78?? ?軟煎鱸魚佐奶油醬汁?? Fried Fish Fillet with Cream Sauce
80?? ?鹹酥赤????????????? Fried Crispy Fish
81?? ?椒鹽虱目魚?????????? Brown Peppercorn Salt Flavored Fish
82?? ?香酥魚塔???????????? Crispy Fish Pie
84?? ?煎魚捲佐奶油醬汁???? Fried Fish Rolls with Creamy Wine Sauce
86?? ?銀魚蛋捲???????????? Egg Rolls with Small Fish
88?? ?煎鯧魚佐蛤蜊香蔥醬汁 Fried Pomfret Fillet with Clam Sauce
91?? ?在「炸」之前?????? Before Deep Frying
92?? ?鮮果溜魚塊???????? Deep-fried Fish with Fruit Sauce
93?? ?金沙鱈魚?????????? Curry Cod with Popped Rice
94?? ?酥炸魚條?????????? Deep-fried Crispy Fish Strips
96?? ?橙汁魚排?????????? Fish Fillet with Orange Sauce
98?? ?糖醋全魚?????????? Fish with Sweet and Sour Sauce
99?? ?奶油蒜香鯧魚球???? Pomfret with Butter and Garlic
100?? ?滿載而歸?????????? Fish with Treasures
102?? ?糖醋松鼠魚???????? Sweet and Sour Boneless Fish
104?? ?雙味魚捲?????????? Two Flavored Fish Rolls
106?? ?生汁芝麻魚???????? Deep-fried Fish with Mayonnaise
108?? ?西炸鮭魚球???????? Deep-fried Salmon Balls
109?? ?紅糟魚條?????????? Deep-fried Fish Strips
110?? ????? 雙菇燜鮮魚???????? Fish with Two Mushrooms
113?? ?在「烤」之前?????? Before Baking
114?? ?起司焗鮮魚???????? Baked Fish with Cheese
116?? ?香蒜培根烤魚排???? Fish Fillet with Bacon and Garlic
117?? ?香蔥烤鮭魚???????? Baked Salmon with Green Onion
118?? ?酒烤紙包魚???????? Baked Cod with White Wine Sauce
120?? ?烤味噌魚片???????? Baked Miso Fish
121?? ?日式照燒魚???????? Baked Pomfret with Tariyaki Sauce
122?? ?鹽烤香魚?????????? Baked Smelt Japanese Style
124?? ?香蒜奶油烤魚頭???? Baked Salmon with Garlic
125?? ?焗烤鮪魚塔???????? Baked Tuna Fish with Mushroom
126?? ?烤魚排佐芥末醬汁?? Baked Fish Fillet with Mustard Sauce
129?? ?在「冷食」之前???? Before Chilled
130?? ?燻鮭魚海苔捲?????? Smoked Salmon Rolls
131?? ?燻鮭魚小塔???????? Smoked Salmon Salad
132?? ?廣式魚生沙拉?????? Salmon Salad, Cantonese Style
133?? ?和風鮪魚水果沙拉?? Tuna and Fruit Salad, Japanese Style
134?? ?蔥火靠鯽魚???????? Stewed Carps with Green Onion
135?? ?蘇式燻魚?????????? Deep-fried Spicy Fish
136?? ?韓式辣拌魚???????? Fish Salad, Korean Style
138?? ?煙燻鯧魚?????????? Smoked Pomfret
139?? ?咖哩鮮蔬浸魚?????? Curry Fish with Vegetables
140?? ?義大利式酒醋浸魚?? Cold Fish, Italian Style
141?? ?鮮茄油醋汁浸魚???? Cold Fish with Tomatoes
142?? ?小魚花生?????????? Crispy Fish with Peanuts
143?? ?蜜汁丁香?????????? Sweet&Crispy Fish
145?? ?在「煮湯」之前???? Before making Soups
146?? ?蘿蔔絲鮮魚湯?????? Fish Soup with Radish and Clams
147?? ?醋椒魚湯?????????? Fish Soup with Vinegar and Pepper
148?? ?味噌魚湯?????????? Miso Soup
149?? ?越式魚酸湯???????? Sour Soup, Vietnam Style
150?? ?砂鍋魚頭?????????? Fish Head in Casserole
152?? ?北方魚丸湯???????? Home Style Fish Ball Soup
153?? ?湯泡魚生?????????? Sliced Fish Soup, Hunan Style
154?? ?翡翠魚羹?????????? Fish Potage with Green Vegetable
155?? ?紅魚湯麵?????????? Noodle with Red Sea Bream
156?? ?酸辣魚羹?????????? Sour and Spicy Fish Potage
157?? ?西洋菜煲生魚?????? Fish Soup, Cantonese Style
158?? ?韓國辣魚鍋???????? Fish Pot, Korean Style